Network Topology

2 min

The Network Topology Map gives you an overview of how devices are connected to each other on the network using a graphical representation.

The feature is accessible from the Agent Dashboard, by selecting the following tile:

Network Topology screenshot 1

To allow Domotz Pro to automatically build a Network Topology Map, please make sure to:

  • Use Managed Switches compliant to RFC 4188.
  • Enable SNMP on the Managed Switches.
  • Match the community string configured on the Managed Switches with the ones configured within Domotz Pro.

Once verified the above, on every single Managed Switch, within Domotz Pro, you will be able to see the connected devices in the “Interfaces” tab and the Topology Map will be displayed:

Network Topology Mapping screenshot 2

Note: If you don’t see the map, it means that you don’t have any managed switch with the above configuration and the following message will be displayed. This feature requires SNMP enabled on managed switches, with the community strings correctly configured in the SNMP section of the Device Details. See SNMP Monitoring and TCP Service Monitoring.

Symbols and Legend

Internet Node

The Internet Node is the root node of the graph. It reports the global IP address and, if clicked, shows additional network information.

Network Topology screenshot 3

Rhombus shape

A rhombus shape device is a network device, typically a switch. The information displayed under the device icon includes the device name, IP address, and device make. When clicked, the device details page pops up on the right side of the map, giving you access to any modification and interaction:

Network Topology screenshot

Round shape

A round shape device is any other IP device on the network, that is, of course, mapped on a Managed switch:

Network Topology screenshot 5

Squared shape

A squared shape represents, as a general rule, a device without an IP address. It could be an unmanaged switch or hub manually linked to a switch interface, or a dummy device connected to a PDU outlet:

Network Topology screenshot 6

Network Topology screenshot 7


  • Direct Link: this is a link discovered by the Domotz algorithm. It can’t be modified.
  • Manual Link: this link is created when a device is manually mapped on a managed switch port, typically when through that port multiple devices are reached.
  • Wi-Fi Link: this is related to our Wi-Fi Access Point Monitoring feature. Supported APs will show Wi-Fi connected devices.
  • Outdated Link: this link is not valid anymore, because either the device has been removed from the network, or moved to another location where our algorithm can’t discover its connection.

Note: In case there is data from both the upstream and downstream switch, selecting the connection in the topology graph contains information from both switches’ interfaces:

Network Topology screenshot 8

Side Bar
Network Topology screenshot 8

The map side bar contains:

  • A Search input field that allows you to look for a specific device inside the map (the results will be colored in yellow).
  • A scale button to display the whole map in the screen.
  • A filters section. An Outdated link is either a link that connects an offline device or a connection information not available anymore for that particular device. You can also collapse the leaves in order to reduce the map size: the leaves will be collapsed as follows.

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