Pre-configured SNMP Templates

9 min

Table of Contents


Pre-configured SNMP sensors can be applied to devices that belong to the following categories: Printers, UPS, NAS, and Switches.

Once the SNMP status is on READ, you can apply pre-configured SNMP sensors to them.

Click on the check box on the right of the desired SNMP template to choose it and then click on the Apply button

General Information

Network System Uptime

This SNMP sensor measures the network system’s uptime in days:

System Uptime

This SNMP sensor measures the General System uptime in days:

Memory Info

This SNMP sensor template monitors the memory of a device, and extracts the following properties:

  • Total Memory Installed
  • Memory Available
  • Memory Used (percentage)

Servers and Servers Controller Boards

Dell iDRAC

Two SNMP pre-configured sensors are available to monitor specific items for Dell iDRAC management platform:

General Monitoring

In case of a Dell iDRAC management platform, an SNMP pre-configured template is available to extract the following general properties:

  • iDRAC Version
  • Dell System Service Tag
  • System Status
  • Storage Status
  • Power State Unit Status
  • LCD Status

Components Status Monitoring

The “Dell iDRAC Components Status Monitoring” is also available.

This template will allow to monitor for each component of the system the following properties:


Six SNMP pre-configured templates are available to monitor specific items for HP-ILO platform:

General Documentation

For general insights and for documentation purposes, the HP ILO General/Documentation SNMP template is able to extract the following info:

  • Serial Number
  • Host Operating System
  • System Status
  • File System Status


In regards to memory details and health, the HP iLO Memory SNMP template is able to extract the following info:

  • Physical Memory Size
  • Free Physical Memory
  • Paging Memory Size
  • Free Paging Memory
  • Fault Tolerance Protection System

Logical Hard Drives

In regards to logical hard drivers details and health, the HP iLO Logical HD Table SNMP template is able to extract the following info:

  • Drive Array Logical Drive Controller Index
  • Drive Array Logical Drive Index
  • Logical Drive Status
  • Logical Drive condition
  • Logical Drive Fault Tolerance
  • Logical Drive Size

Physical Hard Drives

In regards to physical hard drivers details and health, the HP iLO Physical HD Table SNMP template is able to extract the following info:

  • index
  • Location (bay)
  • Status
  • Condition
  • Size
  • Serial Number
  • Age
  • Model


In regards to fans details and health, the HP iLO Fans SNMP template is able to extract the following info:

  • Index
  • Location
  • Presence
  • Type
  • Speed
  • Condition


In regards to fans details and health, the HP iLO Processors is able to extract the following info:

  • Index
  • Name
  • Speed
  • Status



In case of a Supermicro server board, an SNMP pre-configured template is available to retrieve and show the following information:

  • Serial Number
  • BIOS Version
  • BMC Major Version
  • BMC Minor Version

Power Supply Units

In case of a Supermicro server board, an SNMP pre-configured template is available to monitor its Power Supply Units status:


Printer Supplies Table

This contains Supply Units (Toner Cartridge, Drum Unit) and Supply Level:

this is the printer supplies table which displays each supply level for printer colors, for example Black, Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow Cartridges supply level

Printer Serial Number

Once applied and done, you can remove the SNMP template since the serial number will be shown in the Domotz Info tab.

Brother Printer Status

Monitor the status of a Brother printer:


For UPS devices, the UPS Basic Info template is available.

This template contains Alarms Present, Battery Status, Battery Voltage, Battery Current, Battery Temperature, Estimated Remaining Minutes, Estimated Remaining Charge and Output Source:

Cyberpower UPS General

For Cyberpower UPS we do have a specific SNMP template which allows to monitor the following:

  • Battery Last Replaced Date
  • Recommended Battery Life (time remaining)
  • Environment Temperature in C and F
  • Environment Humidity
  • Battery Replace Indicator

APC UPS Replacement Dates

For APC UPS we do have a specific SNMP template which allows to monitor the following:

  • Battery Last replaced date
  • Battery recommended replacement date
  • Remaining days for battery replacement


If the device is a NAS, three different SNMP templates are available.

NAS Hard Disk Table

The NAS Hard Disks Table template shows Hard Disks, Description, Status, Capacity, Info, Temperature, and Model:

this is the Hard Disk table

NAS Volumes Table

The NAS Volumes Table template displays Volumes, Description, Free Size, Total Size, Filesystem, and Status.

this is the Nas Volumes table which displays the following information: Name of the Volume, Free Size, Total Size.

NAS Basic Info

The NAS Basic Info template contains CPU Usage, CPU Temperature, Total Available Memory, Free Memory, Uptime, System Temperature, Number of Hard disks, Volumes, and Last Error Message:

this is the Nas Basic info table which displays the following information: Last Error Message, CPU Usage, CPU Temperature, Total Available Memory Free Memory, Uptime, System Temperature, Number of Hard Drives, Volumes

Note: Not all the NAS rely on the standard NAS-MIB.The current Pre-Configured SNMP template is limited to QNAP, ReadyNAS, Synology and all the NAS drives relying on the NAS-MIB.

Synology RAID Volumes:

For each RAID configured on the Synology NAS, we monitor status, usage, and available free storage. For each sensor retrieved you also get a graphical representation of the historical values.

This is the Synology NAS preconfigured template applied to the Domotz Monitoring Dashboards

Synology SMART Disks Status:

For each disk and variable of the Disk, Domotz will monitor the status of the variable and the value (for instance Airflow Temperature, Command Timeout, Pending Sector, E2E Errors, Power Cycle Counts, etc):

This is the Synology SMART Disk Status preconfigured template applied to the Domotz Monitoring Dashboards


Network Interfaces

In case of a network switch (or in general, any Network Device supporting IF-MIB for the Interfaces statistics via SNMP) the “Network Interfaces Table” template contains the following columns:
Interface nameOperational Status, Inbound (Traffic, Discards, Errors), Outbound (Traffic, Discards Errors), NIC TypeAdmin statusPhisical Address (MAC), MTUSpeed:

This is the Network Interfaces SNMP table applied to a switch. Columns displayed here are: Interface, Operational Status, Inbound Traffic, Inbound Discards, Inbound Errors
This is the Network Interfaces SNMP table applied to a switch. Columns displayed here are: Outbound Traffic, Outbound Discards, Outbound Errors, Nic Type
This is the Network Interfaces SNMP table applied to a switch. Columns displayed here are: Admin Status, Physical Address, MTU, Speed



In case of a Fortinet FortiSwitch, an SNMP Pre-Configured template is available to extract the following general properties:

  • Serial Number
  • Firmware Version
  • CPU usage
  • Memory usage
  • Hard Disk Size
  • Hard Disk Usage
  • Trunk Members


Serial Number

This SNMP template is really useful if you want to get the serial number of your Juniper appliances in order to synchronize it with your documentation system:

Once applied and done, you can remove the SNMP template since the serial number will be shown in the Domotz Info tab:

Components Monitoring

With the ‘Juniper Components Monitoring’ SNMP template you will be able to monitor the following:

  • Component Name
  • CPU Usage
  • Temperature


With the ‘Juniper Alerts Monitoring’ SNMP template you will be able to monitor the following:

  • Relay mode: the alarm relay mode of the craft interface panel for both yellow and red alarms. Both yellow and red alarms could be cut off by a front panel Alarm Cutoff / Lamp Test (ACO/LT) button. In the pass-on mode, the alarm relay will be activated to pass on the yellow or red alarms. In the cut-off mode, both yellow and red alarms will be cut off from the alarm relays which are normally connected to audible sirens or visual flashing devices.
  • Yellow Alarm State
  • Red Alarm State

Led Table

With the ‘Juniper Led Table’ SNMP template you will be able to monitor the led indicator status listed by item:


CPU and Memory Utilization

Power Supply Monitor (CISCO-ENVMON-MIB)

Cisco Power Supply Monitor template table. Displayed columns: Fan Index, Status

Possible values are:

Normal (1), Warning (2), Critical (3), Shutdown (4), Not Present (5), Not Functioning (6)


Possible values are:

Normal (1), Warning (2), Critical (3), Shutdown (4), Not Present (5), Not Functioning (6)



Possible values are:

unknown(1) – unknown, up(2) – powered on, down(3) – powered down, warning(4) – partial failure, needs replacement as soon as possible.


Following the SNMP Templates available for Ruckus Switches.

Serial Number

This SNMP template is really useful if you want to get the serial number of your Ruckus appliances in order to synchronize it with your documentation system:

Once applied and done, you can remove the SNMP template since the serial number will be shown in the Domotz Info tab.

CPU and Memory Usage

An SNMP Pre-Configured template is available to extract the following properties:

Power Supply Units

For PSU, an SNMP Pre-Configured template is available to extract the following properties:


For Fans, an SNMP Pre-Configured template is available to extract the following properties:


EMC Switch General/Monitoring

In case of Dell EMC Switch, an SNMP Pre-Configured template is available to extract the following properties:

EMC Switch Power Supply Units

For PSUs, an SNMP Pre-Configured template is available to extract the following properties:

For fans, an SNMP Pre-Configured template is available to extract the following properties:

Wi-Fi Equipment

Ruckus Wi-Fi Access Point

General Monitoring

In case of Ruckus Access Point, an SNMP Pre-Configured template is available to extract the following properties:



General Info

In case of WatchGuard Firewall, an SNMP Pre-Configured template is available to extract the following properties:

  • SysA Software Version
  • SysB Software Version
  • CPU Utilization
  • Memory unused/available
  • Currently Active Connections

Policies Monitoring

The “WatchGuard Firewall Policies” is also available.

This template will allow to monitor for each defined Policy the following properties:

  • Discarded Packets rate (#/s) (number of packets discarded per second)
  • Logging (indicates whether if the logging of this policy has been enabled or not)
  • Currently Active Connections (total number of currently active connections for the policy)
  • Tunnels rate (#/s) (number of tunnels belonging to the policy per second)
  • Traffic (traffic in bytes per second)
Watchguard Policies SNMP template table. Displayed columns: Policy Name, Discarded Packets, Logging, Currently Active Connections, Tunnels Rate, Traffic
Watchguard Policies SNMP template applied to a Domotz monitoring table.
Watchguard Policies SNMP template sensor graph: Discarded Packets rate on Policy named Ping-00
Watchguard Policies SNMP template sensor graph: Currently Active Connections sensor on Policy named SNMP-00

Cluster Info

A specific SNMP pre-configured template can also be used to monitor the WatchGuard Cluster information about the members configured:

  • First Member Role
  • First Member System Health
  • First Member Hardware Health
  • First Member Monitor Port Health
  • First Member Weight Average
  • Second Member Role
  • Second Member System Health
  • Second Member Hardware Health
  • Second Member Monitor Port Health
  • Second Member Weight Average

VPN General

A specific SNMP pre-configured template can also be used to monitor the WatchGuard General VPN information:

  • Total VPN Entries
  • Total Active Inbound Security Associations (SA)
  • Total Active Outbound Security Associations (SA)
  • Total Inbound IPsec Traffic rate
  • Total Outbound IPsec Traffic rate
  • Total Inbound IPsec Packets rate
  • Total Outbound IPsec Packets rate

VPN Tunnels

A specific SNMP pre-configured template can also be used to monitor the WatchGuard current active VPN Tunnels:

  • Local Ip Address
  • Remote Ip Address
  • Inbound Traffic rate
  • Outbound Traffic rate

Sophos Firewall

Four SNMP pre-configured templates are available to monitor specific items for Sophos Firewalls:

General Info

In case of a Sophos Firewall, an SNMP pre-configured template is available to extract the following general properties:

  • Sophos Appliance Key
  • Device Model
  • Firmware Version
  • Snort Version
  • Webcat Version
  • Memory Usage
  • Disk Usage
  • Live user count (login into captive portal)


The “Sophos Firewall Policies” is also available.

This template will allow monitoring for each policy configured in the Firewall of the system with the following properties:

  • Policy Name
  • Connection Name
  • Connection Type
  • Active Tunnel Count


The “Sophos Firewall Uptime” is also available.

This template will allow to monitor the uptime of the system, so that the user can monitor if the Sophos Firewall has been restarted for any reason:

Licenses Expiration

This template will allow us to monitor the various Sophos Firewall software license expirations:

Fortinet FortiGate


In the case of a Fortinet FortiGate firewall, a pre-configured SNMP template is available to extract the following general properties:

– Serial Number
– Firmware Version
– Number of Admin users
– CPU usage
– Memory usage

HW (Hardware) Sensors

A pre-configured SNMP template is available to extract information from FortiGate Firewall hardware sensors.

– Temperature
– BCM Temperature
– CPU Temperature
– External Temperature
– Fan Temperature
– Power Supply unit condition
– Fans speed

In order to monitor each of these, you might set an alert on the Alarm status value:

FortiGuard Stats

With the ‘FortiGate FortiGuard Stats’ SNMP template, you will be able to monitor the following:

  • HTTP/HTTPS requests examined
  • HTTP/HTTPS requests allowed
  • HTTP/HTTPS requests are blocked

WebFilter stats

With the ‘FortiGate WebFilter Stats’ SNMP template you will be able to monitor the following:

  • HTTP/HTTPS sessions blocked
  • HTTP/HTTPS URL blocked

VPN Tunnels (Not SSL)

With the ‘FortiGate VPN Tunnels’ SNMP template you will be able to monitor the following:

VPN SSL Tunnels

With the ‘FortiGate SSL VPN Tunnels’ SNMP template you will be able to monitor the following:

  • Username
  • Source IP
  • Connection IP
  • Uptime
  • Incoming Traffic
  • Outgoing Traffic

IPV4 Sessions

With the ‘FortiGate Session Count (IPV4)’ SNMP template you will be able to monitor the IPV4 session active in the Firewall:

IPV6 Session Count

With the ‘FortiGate Session Count (IPV6)’ SNMP template you will be able to monitor the IPV6 session active in the Firewall:

HA (High Availability) Properties

In case of a firewall cluster, a Pre-Configure SNMP teamplate is available to extract the following information:

– Mode
– Priority
– Status of a primary override flag
– Automatic Synchronization
– Load-balancing Configuration

HA (High Availability) Stats

With the ‘FortiGate HA Stats’ SNMP template you will be able to monitor the following:

  • Serial Number
  • CPU Usage
  • Memory Usage
  • Syncronization Status
  • Network Bandwidth Usage
  • Session Count rate
  • Packets Count rate
  • Bytes rate
  • IDS/IPS events rate
  • Anti-virus events rate

Palo Alto

Palo Alto Firewall General/Documentation

In case of a Palo Alto firewall, an SNMP pre-configured template is available to extract the following general properties:

  • Serial Number
  • Chassis Type

Palo Alto Firewall Software Versions

In case of a Palo Alto firewall, an SNMP pre-configured template is available to extract software/firmware properties:

  • Hardware version
  • Firmware version
  • Application Definition version and release date
  • Global Protect Client Package version
  • Opswat Database version
  • WildFire version and release date
  • Antivirus version and release date
  • Threat version and release date
  • Wildfire Private Cloud Content version
  • VPN Client Package version

Please note that if a value is displayed as 0, the component is not available or not installed.

Palo Alto Firewall Sessions

In case of a Palo Alto firewall, an SNMP pre-configured template is available to extract active/available sessions:

  • Maximum number of sessions
  • Active Sessions
  • Available Sessions
  • TCP Sessions no.
  • UDP Sessions no.

Palo Alto Firewall HA Properties

In case of a Palo Alto firewall, an SNMP pre-configured template is available to extract HA (High Availability) properties:

  • High-Availability State
  • Per High-Availability State
  • High-Availability Mode


In case of a Sonicwall firewall, an SNMP pre-configured template is available to extract the following general properties:

  • Serial Number
  • Firmware Version
  • CPU Utilization
  • Ram Utilization
  • Connections Available

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