Temporary disabling network alerts

< 1 minute

How can I temporarily disable alerts on a network?

During maintenance operations you may want to disable all alerts.

In order to do this, go to the agent associated to that network and click on Alerts Settings

How can I temporarily disable alerts on a network screenshot 1

and click on the control button shown in the picture below:

How can I temporarily disable alerts on a network screenshot 2

The same button can be used to restore alerts on the network. 

Note that these actions are also recorded in the Logging and Reports section of the agent.

How can I temporarily disable alerts on a network screenshot 3

Snooze Alerts

It is also possible to temporary disable Alerts completely on a whole Domotz Agent for:

  • a specific duration
  • or until a specific date/time

If you are planning to perform some maintenance activity for the next few hours on a Network, you would like to disable all the Alerts and Notifications generated by Domotz. You can now do that, without the trouble of remembering to re-enable back the Alerts.

Visit the Alerts Setting tile for the specific Domotz Agent and click on the Agent Alerts toggle:

You will be proposed with the possibility to “Disable” the Alerting completely or temporarily disable the alerts by “Snooze”:

You can then either select to temporary disable the Alerts until a specific Time and Date or for a certain amount of time (days or hours):

You can use this functionality also if you are planning not to pro-actively monitor a Network for a certain amount of days/months (e.g. in the case of seasonal offices/residences).

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