Syncro Asset Management integration

5 min
MSP Software: PSA + RMM + Remote Platform – SyncroMSP

Domotz network management software includes integration with Syncro Asset Management.

The Domotz Syncro Integration streamlines the Asset Management of networks by automatically sending the device and network details discovered by Domotz to Syncro, and vice-versa.

Note: due to the nature of this type of integration (bi-directional integration with data streaming from Domotz to Syncro and vice-versa), Domotz users are only allowed to configure one single integration with external documentation and Asset Management systems (such as IT Glue, ConnectWise PSA, Synchro).

Domotz will discover devices including device details like model, MAC address, location, zone, software version, IP addresses and more and automatically send these details directly to Syncro.

This integration allows you to synchronize the following data:

  • Domotz Collectors and Devices – When using the Selection Mode (per device plan), only devices listed as Managed will be pushed and kept in sync.
  • Syncro Assets

Before starting to connect an integration, you need to generate an API Token on to Syncro.

To do that go to https://[yourcompany]

Then click on “+ New Token” on the upper right side of your screen:

Select “Domotz Asset Management” as the “Prebuilt App Permissions” schema:

It will basically create a token with the necessary permissions to allow the integration to work:

  • Assets – View Details
  • Assets – Edit
  • Customers – View Detail

Once the API Token has been created, copy it to your clipboard. You will use it in Domotz:

Copy the New Custom API Token to your clipboard.

Important Note: Domotz cloud will connect to the Syncro cloud from the following IP addresses:

– for all the users based in North America
– for all the users based on Europe, APAC and Rest of World

Make sure you add the above to “IP Allow List” under the “Employees” section in the admin page.

  1. Login to your Domotz system
  2. Select the menu Services under the Account Settings section
  3. Select Syncro from the list of available documentation services you would see on your screen
Select the menu Services under the Account Settings section, and select Syncro from the list.

4. Insert the API url and the Token you did generate on Syncro MSP and then click on the Connect button:

Insert the API url and the Token you did generate on Syncro MSP and then click on the Connect button

Important note: a Syncro Asset type named “Domotz Device” should exist in Syncro to make the integration work correctly.

To create it:

You should create the asset type with the following fields (type: Text field) : mac_address, ip_address, device_type, current_status, model, position, hostname, manufacturer, notes

Once completed the Domotz Devices Asset type will look exactly like the one below:

Even if you do not have this asset type Domotz will still try to match a device to an existing asset, but some data may be missing.

Note: if the device serial is not defined in Domotz, the device MAC address will be used for the Syncro MSP Asset serial field.

To link a Domotz Agent to a Syncro MSP Customers, click on the + button:

To link a Domotz Agent to a Syncro MSP Customers, click on the + button.

A pop-up window will appear allowing you to search and choose the Syncro MSP Customer to link to the specific Domotz Agent:

Choose the Syncro MSP Customer to link to the specific Domotz Agent

Note: The automatic match between Domotz Devices and Syncro Asset is based on the following information (in order of priority), based on the data available on the systems:
– Serial Number (when available in Domotz and Syncro)
– MAC Address (when available in Syncro)
– IP Address (when available in Syncro)

To manually match a Domotz device with a specific Asset, click on the number of matched devices:

How to manually match a Domotz device with a Syncro Asset, click on the number of matched devices.

To link an asset to a Domotz Device that has no match, click on the + Match Asset button:

To link an asset to a Domotz Device that has no match, click on the + Match Asset button.

A pop-up window will appear where you will be able to Create a new Asset or select an existing one and to link it to the Domotz device:

A pop-up window will appear where you will be able to Create a new Asset or select an existing one and to link it to the Domotz device

In case more than one MSP Asset has to be created at once, (ex. if Domotz is used to set up an MSP Customer from scratch), you can use the select multiple rows and press the Pick an action button.

Bulk creation of Syncro MSP Assets

To manually unlink already matched Asset:

How to unlink the asset
  • Then click on the x  button next to the asset shown in the screenshot below:
How to unlink the asset

Important note: There is no confirmation request before unlinking the Asset.

Manual Synchronization

To start the manual synchronization, select the desired Agent and then click on the Sync now button:

Manually synchronization

Please note that only a Domotz Agent already linked to a Syncro MSP Customer can be selected.

After pressing the “Sync Now” button, a pop-up window will appear and the user will be able to select the synchronization mode:

  • Synchronization from Domotz to Syncro MSP: the information stored on the Domotz Devices will override the information on the Syncro MSP Asset.
  • Synchronization from Syncro MSP to Domotz: the information stored on the Syncro MSP Asset will override the information on the Domotz Devices.
  • Customized synchronization: you can choose the synchronization direction for every single field from the Custom Match Fields Configuration window.

As soon as the user chooses an option for the synchronization, a message In progress will appear next to the Customer name:

  • In case of success of the synchronization, the system will display Last Sync time:

  • In case of an error during the synchronization, the system will display a message Failed Sync and the time of the last successful synchronization.

Note: In case of an error, please contact our Support team via email at

Automatic Synchronization

Automatic synchronization occurs every 12 hours. To enable it, please toggle the Sync widget:

Automatic synchronization

As soon as the sync toggle is enabled, the sync, will occur in the next 5 minutes.

Note: In case of an error during the automatic synchronization, the system will display a message Failed Sync next to the organization name and the automatic synchronization will be disabled.

Note: In case of an error, please contact our Support team via email at

The automatic synchronization is only based on the direction specified for each field between Domotz and Syncro MSP.

The user can define the direction of the automatic synchronization from the Match Fields asset section.

  • To define or change the synchronization direction of a field, click on the button under the Direction column, for example, Domotz to Syncro MSP >>.
  • To disable the synchronization between the Domotz and Syncro MSP fields, click on the toggle on the right side of a desired field to switch it off.

However, some of the fields have their mandatory synchronization direction from Domotz to the integration: Current Status, MAC Address, IP Address (First IP), Hostname, which cannot be changed:

Important Note: The match Domotz & Syncro asset displayed on this page, will be the one used for every automatic synchronization in terms of the selected synchronization direction.

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