How to set alerts on sensors

2 min

You can set up alerts on sensors from each Device view or from the Monitoring Dashboards.

Right now we support alerts on sensors for:

From the device view, you can set up alerts on sensors. You can set-up alerts in the following tabs: SNMP, Drivers (custom drivers), and System (OS monitoring):

Alerts on sensors screenshot for SNMP, Drivers and OS monitoring

By hovering a value in the sensors table, you will see a “bell icon” which you can click to create your sensor:

Alerts on sensors for SNMP monitoring

To create a sensor:

  • Give it a name (1)
  • Create the alert condition (2)
  • Add a value for the condition (3)
  • Set a contact channel (4)
  • Add the alert profile (5):
Alerts on sensors and how to configure from the devices tab

Once you create an alert, a “bell” icon will appear right next to the value:

Alerts on sensors for SNMP monitoring examples

Inside a Monitoring Dashboard, please create a Table using one template with the sensors you would like to monitor (in this example, we are using the “Printer Supply” levels template):

Once you create the table, hover over the value where you would like to put an alert, and click on the “bell” icon:

You will be sent to the “Alert Configuration” window, where you can:

– enter the alert Name

create the “condition” to trigger the alert (you can set a threshold or create a logical comparison, etc.)

set up the Contact channel on which you want to receive the notification

Once you define a profile, you can apply the same alert profile to all the other devices or variables in the same column.

In this example, I’m applying my Alert Profile to another printer, the “Supply Level equal SeventyNine.”

To edit a sensor alert profile, click on a bell icon. Then hover over an alert profile of your choice, and click edit:

IMPORTANT: Please note that if you edit an alert that has already been applied to one or more devices, the edits which you are making on the alert profile will be inherited on the devices to which the shared alert has been applied.

You can also delete the sensor while editing it:

After clicking the above section, you will get this prompt that will show you if that alert profile has been used on any sensor/variable:

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