
2 min

Domotz Freshdesk Integration

The Domotz Freshdesk integration enables you to instantly create and update Freshdesk tickets when a specific event occurs on the networks or devices monitored through Domotz. Use the Domotz and Freshdesk integration to provide faster support to your customers for network and device issues.

How to set-up the Domotz Freshdesk Integration

You can connect your Freshdesk Account into Domotz. Freshdesk will become one of the Contact Channels available when creating a Shared Alert. This means that you can create or update a Freshsdesk ticket when a specific event occurs in Domotz.

You’ll need:

Domotz Freshdesk Integration screenshot 1

After the connection with your Freshdesk Account is complete you can decide to map your Domotz Agents onto Freshdesk Companies. In this way everytime a specific Agent generates an alert on the Freshdesk contact channel you’ll receive a ticket on Freshdesk already assigned to a chosen Company. Domotz will create a contact and will use it for all organization that you associate with your ticketing system connection.

Please note that the Domotz Agent mapping is not mandatory. If no choice is done tickets will arrive anyway, yet with no Company set.

Domotz Freshdesk Integration screenshot 2

Tickets created on Freshdesk will contain all the needed information. If a device will trigger an alert and an opened ticket for that device is already present in Freshdesk, the new event will be appended to the same ticket.

If you have configured Mandatory Fields in Freshdesk for opening new tickets, you will need to specify the default value once the ticket is created through this Domotz integration. You must assign the default values at the time of the configuration for this integration:

Domotz Freshdesk Integration screenshot 3

You can also configure Custom Fields in Freshdesk, and require them to be mandatory at the time of ticket creation. In this case, you can use your custom logic which is unique for your own business. More details about creating custom fields in your ticket form here.

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