Shared Alerts Events Explained

5 min

Firstly, when creating a Shared Alert profile you can select the kinds of “events” to monitor. Secondly, for more information about creating shared alerts profiles read this article on shared alerts web hooks and ticketing systems.

The “Event List” section on the right side of the Shared Alerts Configuration modal window include the following list:

  • Device Status Events
  • Configuration Events
  • SNMP Events
  • TCP Events
  • Device RTD Events
  • Network Events

The first five types are used to monitor device Events.

The last one (the Network Events one) is used to monitor network events.

Status Events

Selecting one or more of the following events triggers a Device Alert:

  • Device Goes Up
  • Device Goes Down
  • Heartbeat Lost
  • IP Change

Firstly, to see if a device is off the network Domotz uses what we call heartbeats. We send a train of 6 pings every 30 seconds which is what we define as heartbeat. Moreover, if a device misses 4 heartbeats in a row (within a time period of 2 minutes), we’ll mark the device as Down.

Please note that the this “time window” can be customized. For further information about customizing the device ping window read this article.

To monitor when a device goes down, we recommend monitoring and selecting both ‘Device Goes UP’ and ‘Device Goes Down’ events.

Shared Alert Events explained

Afterwards, you can assign the “Device Goes Down” event to the required devices in a few clicks using the “Manage” view:

Shared alert events explained, device goes down

So, please note that creating a Shared Alerts Profile does not mean that you had assigned it to ALL your devices. You need to assign it to each device using the “Manage” view (or manually from the Alerts tab) to receive alerts.

By checking this event when your device misses one heartbeat (a train of 6 pings sent every 30 seconds) we’ll notify your entire team. Monitoring this particular event is very useful when you want to monitor a device that delivers a high-availability service.

Domotz uses both ARP pings and ICMP pings depending on which layer the device is reachable.

Checking this event triggers an alert when a device changes its IP address.

For example, if your devices are on DHCP and get a new IP address, we’ll notify your entire team.
Or, if your devices has a static IP, and someone changes it, we’ll’ notify your entire team.

Device Configuration Events

Firstly, if your devices use the Network Configuration Management features available on Domotz you might want to receive alerts for network configuration changes. Learn more about our network configuration management features in this article.

You can monitor the following network configuration management events:

  • Configuration Change
  • Configuration Misalignment

If you select alerts on configuration changes, your entire team will receive alerts each time a network switch configuration has been changed and saved.

Shared Alert Events Configuration Changes

Selecting this event notifies your entire team when the startup configuration file on a network appliance we support is different from the running configuration file. Furthermore, this alert is only for use on networking appliances which have two configuration files (running and startup), such as Cisco, Luxul, and HP Aruba.

Shared Alert Events Configuration Misalignment

Retrieve Any SNMP Event

Firstly, if SNMP is enabled on a device and if Custom SNMP sensors alerts have been defined, the “Retrieve any SNMP Event” feature can notify your entire team if any of the SNMP sensors reach a certain threshold. Furthermore, you’ll be able to define this threshold too.

For more information, about how to configure SNMP on a device and how to define SNMP OIDs please read this article on SNMP monitoring.

As a note, if you haven’t defined a Custom SNMP Sensor Alert on your device this will not work. Furthemore, even if you select the the Retrieve any SNMP Event alert profile, it won’t trigger notification.

For further help on customizing SNMP sensors read this article on creating Custom SNMP sensors.

Shared Alert Events

If you define TCP services as well as Custom TCP alerts on a device, the “Retrieve any TCP Event” feature triggers notifications if any of these services go down.

Read the following article ror more information about defining TCP Alerts.

Note that, if you have not defined a Custom TCP Sensor Alert on your device, selecting the Retrieve any TCP Event in the Shared Alert Profile, will not trigger any notification. Furthermoreto create a Custom TCP Alert please see read this article on TCP Services and Custom Alerts.

Lastly, by choosing ‘Retrieve any TCP Events’, the Domotz agent will check all TCP ports and if one of them is down you’ll receive the corresponding alert on your preferred contact channel.

Firstly, selecting this check box will ensure your entire team receives Response Time Delay (RTD) alerts. The RTD alert is triggered when there is connection performance issue.

The threshold can be configured in the ‘Connection Performance’ section in the ‘Custom Personal Events’ tab.

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Network Events

It should be noted that, in contrast to Device Events, Network Events, are related to the Network itself. Furthermore, these alerts are designed to monitor the Network as well as the Domotz Agent status.

Connection Lost and Connection Recovered

Firstly, these events are really important for network health monitoring.This is because they monitor your Domotz agent status (online/offline). In other words, they monitor whether your location is accessing the internet or not.

To receive an alert when your Agent loses connection to the Domotz Cloud service, it is a best practice to check both the “Connection Recovered” and the “Connection Lost” events:

The Connection Lost alert will only activate if the Agent/Collector fails to establish contact with our Cloud for a minimum of 8 minutes.

After creating the Shared alert profile, it is mandatory to assign it to each site (agent) using the “Manage” view (or manually from the Alerts tab) in order to receive alerts:

Read the following article for more information about Network Alerts.

Firstly, the Speed Test threshold alert monitors the speed of your internet connection. Additionally, you can use it to see if your internet connection speed goes below or above a certain “threshold”.

You should define a custom value on the Domotz App by navigating to: Alerts Settings -> Network -> Network Performance trigger thresholds:

After you define these values and if you check the “Speed Test Threshold” alerts, you’ll get alerts when the upload or download values meet the threshold.

Firstly, the Domotz Agent constantly scans the network for new devices. Furthermore, by selecting the Device Discovery alert, we’ll notify your entire team if a new device joins the network.

Furthermore, if this event is checked your entire team will be notified if a new device has accessed the network.

By selecting Public IP Change, when the gateway public IP Address changes, an alert will be sent to the entire team.

If checked, we’ll notify your entire team when a change occurs on the WAN configuration (e.g., change in public IP address) or LAN side (e.g., change in DNS, DHCP, or Gateway IP address).

The TCP open port, scans the WAN side of the network to see if there are any open ports on your gateway, and UPNP port forwarding scans for any device which might use an UPnP service inside your network.

Read the following article for more information about TCP open ports/UPNP port forwarding scans.

If checked, we’ll notify your entire team for a new open port or for a new Unpnp service discovered.

By checking this event, you will be notified if and when, there could be any new features available to be applied to that specific device, such as new MIBs discovered. After that you might enable them on the device itself to enhance Domotz monitoring capabilities.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember that once a Shared Alert Profile has been created. you have to attach it manually to the devices you want to monitor with that shared alert.

You can easily do that on multiple devices you can use the “Manage” view. Read this article for more information.

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